Wargaming on a budget – report for week 1-2

Last week I announced I have undertaken the challenge of sticking my wargaming to a budget. The basic idea is to 'reward' the playing of games by allowing a budget to that game (or army) towards or afterwards. This both encourages me to play games with what I have so...

Wargaming on a budget

I see articles with a similar topic quite often, but have never really taken the time to read them. I’ve never been that motivated to apply myself a budget or even share my budgeting ideas, because I’ve always simply made do. However, I am now working on an idea and...

Operation Ironclad – Burton Beer and Pretzels 2014

Last year, we ran a very successful large scale game at Burton's Beer and pretzels. This year, we intend to build on that success and run another game (hopefully this becomes a trend). Previously we tested the waters with a walker-only game using 40k and Apocalypse...