Hobby Tip: Brass Crenelation

Whilst cutting symbols from the Iron Hands etched brass from Forgeworld, I noticed that two of the sprue bars were crenelated. This has to be intentional, but it surprised me that I hadn't noticed sooner. The brass is a bit tough to cut, especially neatly, so removing...

Star Trek Attack Wing: Wave 1

On October 16th, the first wave arrives for Star Trek Attack Wing. Calling it the first wave has confused a few people, as there was 8 ship expansions available upon launch of the core set. I refer to them as wave 0 as a result (as does Board Game Geek). What can we...

Wayback Wednesday: October = Iron Hands?

Looking back through my posts on and around the first week of October I noticed that they're the time I seem to pick up my Iron Hands army. I am not the kind of person who works solidly on a project until completion, as I tend to work on a few at a time, leap-frogging...

Discussion Groups

Everyone likes to discuss their hobbies and the Internet is always providing new mediums for us to share and compare. From forums, to social networks, hundreds (thousands?) of collectors, gamers and artists gather to talk and promote the things they love. This...

First Thoughts: Star Trek Attack Wing

Star Trek Attack Wing has blindsided me. A chance stock preview from my local store really grabbed my attention - the Attack Wing release wave. I am a big fan of all things Sci-Fi, Star Trek very much included, so I was naturally drawn to this image. The models...