Mantic Games – LOKA up on advanced orders

For those of you who missed out on the Kickstarter, the fantasy chess game LOKA is now up on advanced orders at Mantic. The game is designed by Alessio Cavatore and produced by Mantic Games (as is the trend). After spotting this Centaur in the new Basilean legacy...

Kings of War: Forces of Nature

I played my first game of Kings of War on thursday, against AIR. I used the Elf army list, but fielded only treefolk - sylvan kin, shamblers and herders. I really enjoyed how the pace of the game went and quickly realised how much potential it has to adopt in the...

Unboxing: Games Workshop’s Eldar Spiritseer

Lat week I picked up an Eldar Spiritseer for a 600 point doubles tournament. My list was pretty simple, revolving around a Wraithknight, as my ally was bringing 2 Riptides. It seemed rude not to bring all the big robots... The Spiritseer model is another fine Eldar...

Strategy Games’ Poker Poster Boy

Dissecting the talents of Bertrand “ElkY” Grospellier Warhammer 40,000 brings out the inner conniving general in all of us. Produced by Games Workshop and designed by Rick Prestley, the world-famous tabletop miniature strategy game has created – and maintained – a...

August in reflection – Rusty Dice

It's been a busy month! I could summarise every month with that quick statement, but I guess it's a good thing. This month (August), I managed to get back into the swing of 40k, with a 3-pronged attack. I ran a Kill Team tournament at Titan Games (and month-long event...