Kill Team tournament – Titan Games

Tonight I am co-hosting a mini Kill Team tournament with the lovely folks at Titan Games. Rather than just simply host it, both hosts wanted to also take part, so we are sharing admin duties in order to permit our own participation. In an attempt to tweak and...

Model giveaways

I started MyWargame with the intention of providing tutorials for building custom models and painting them. It started off in a fairly niche part of the 40k hobby - pre-Heresy. Almost 4 years later, it's not so niche, with ForgeWorld's extremely successful launch of...

Kill kill kill! Team

Recently I've had the 'Kill Team' fever and have been trying to stir up some interest at my local club and store. Kill Team is a very quick way to play 40k, using just 200 points on a small table. It's also a great excuse to work on a small side-project if you are so...

New poll – help steer MyWargame

As I seem to have regained my hobby mojo, I've set up a new poll on the website. Want to see something particular from me? Go and vote now. I'm going to be revitalising MyWargame and getting in some guest bloggers again, so please help me gauge my audience. I am...

Mechanicum as Codex: Necrons

Before I delve into a unit by unit analysis, I want to make sure the reader understands what and why I am doing this. I'm not a WAAC player, trying to find the perfect army, I am a hobbyist without a codex trying to make do, with a little creative converting in mind....