Circle of Chaos – Oldhammer style miniatures

Last Autumn, Curtis Fell of Ramshackle Games notoriety, proposed a fun idea to the Oldhammer group of getting together to sculpt some miniatures as a group project. 7 sculptors of varying experience all decided to... The post Circle of Chaos –...

Sons of Horus – Age of Darkness – pledge 1

Before Christmas, “Super Edd” proposed the idea of a group escalation project – starting new armies, with monthly goals.  Having a backlog of miniatures to paint, I signed up. I had been waiting for... The post Sons of Horus – Age...

Creatures of the Night

I’ve been floating around concepts and very, very slowly sculpting miniatures for a game-world concept for a couple of years now. It’s tentatively called Creatures of the Night. Sometimes I refer to it as... The post Creatures of the Night...

Tutorial – cork rocky bases

I’ve been using a simple and quick method for making my multibases lately that has raised a few questions as to what and how, so I thought a quick tutorial would be the best... The post Tutorial – cork rocky bases appeared first on My Wargame.

Happy Broo year!

Rather than start a new army, because I already have enough, I’m digging out my Beastmen to use for Kings of War. In KoW they are affectionately known as “The Herd.” I’m sure there’s... The post Happy Broo year! appeared first...