Necron-centric Mechanicum – Allies

Previously, I mentioned I was looking at Codex: Necrons as a core army to field my Mechanicum. Here's my pondering. Before I look into the Codex, I looked at potential allies to see what other options are available: Necrons are convenient allies with Chaos Space...

Using Mechanicum armies in 40k

It's been so long since I've sat down and considered how to use my Mechanicum army in 40k. They were built pretty much exclusively for Tempus Fugitives campaigns, as they had their own codex. I tried using them as Imperial Guard and later Grey Knights, since my force...

Return to Heresy

With Massacre arriving in September and a fun Betrayal campaign very soon, I have returned to my pre-Heresy armies. I am an Iron Hands and Mechanicum player, though a large chunk of my Mechanicum is quite clearly sided with Horus. They loosely represent Legio Mortis,...

Lord of Battle or Deathdealer?

Yesterday, this appeared: Not unlike the 'leak' of the Eldar Wraithknight, there was an uproar of feedback, with many comments on the model being a bad new idea. Well, it's a shame, but understandable, that so many are unaware that these models are modern reinventions...

The Walking Dead – Wraithknights

So, I got my hands on the new Wraithknights. In my excitement, I forgot that I was going to try and recreate the classic builds - notably the 4-armed destroyer. I set out to make a more dynamic pose than those shown in previews, but found that the legs were very...