Troll Forged Miniatures Assimilation Alien Host Kickstarter

I will state a few details first and then get onto the product review. Take this as you will. I think I had become so disinterested in this project now due to the time delay that I... The post Troll Forged Miniatures Assimilation Alien Host Kickstarter...

A return to old

6 years ago I was starting a new army - the Sons of Horus, a "pre-heresy" as we called it back then. I forget now, whether they came before of after my Salamanders - the colour didn't change all that much. I think I didn't even got so far as altering their pads, as...

Researching Fimir lore – part 1 – shields

I will begin by stating that I am only just starting to get into the background of Fimir. While I have most of the resources available to me now, I haven't read them in full detail just yet. Graeme Davis, the co-creator of the Fimir for Games Workshop is active on the...

Age of Sigmar: The Fimir

What began as a small project to put together a few Fimir models for Age of Sigmar has quickly exploded into a whole host of Albion bogeymen. Knowing how rare (read: expensive) the classic metal Fimir models are, I didn't invest any hope in getting them. Instead I...

Jumping headfirst into Age of Sigmar

Now that Age of Sigmar has been in our hands for a few weeks and the apocalyptic dust-storm is settling, I've realised it's grabbed me, and in a good way. My local players were enjoying a revival of enthusiasm for 8th edition Warhammer when AOS hit us. At first we...