Project Nurgle – week 22

The project has been a little sidetracked as I've been working on my Tzeentch contingent. The main reason for this is that I've been playing a few games against another daemon player at my club and he only has Nurgle, so I decided to try out different gods to keep...

Iron Hands martian bases – mini tutorial

I recently made the decision to rebase my entire Iron hands army from 25mm to 32mm round bases. Simply put, it looks so much better and it is the new standard, officially or not. I did a quick proof of concept on an old base for the style before making the move....

Ramshackle Games – Robots review

Curtis at Ramshackle Games has been running another Kickstarter. This time we have a selection of robots and pieces that can be assembled in whatever way you fancy to create your desired robot(s). I got a few pieces early to put together a review for the Kickstarter....

Project Nurgle – week 17

Where have the last 5 weeks gone? Nurgle knows... After a mad dash to get my 1,000 points sorted out for a multiplayer battle on Tabletop Day, I lost momentum for the army. Having painted 46 Plaguebearers and 2 heralds just this year, I think I felt a little burnt...

Project Nurgle – week 12

I forgot to post anything in week 11, but I've done far more than 11 unique models for this project and I have another bundle to post tonight! As has been the trend... I painted some more Plaguebearers. They're never ending! I've gathered almost 80 models, which is...