Horde of Plague & Warbases

I'm supposed to be doing 1 unique Nurgle model every 7 days, but as I've hinted a few times, I'm on a bit of a roll and have been painting a few more than that. The plaguebearers are pretty easy to do, so getting a unit's worth done at a pace of 1 model a […]...

Fixing Skragg and… Nurgle Tuesday

As is routine, I've painted more Plaguebearers this week. Rather than leave the last model for another time, I did the remaining 4 (I've been doing 3 at a time). This brings the Oldhammer Plaguebearer count up to 16 unique models. I thought this was all I had from the...

The Oldhammer plague

While I have some form of momentum, I'm letting it roll and keeping to painting Plaguebearers while there's still unique sculpts left in my pile. Here's the next 3 - seemingly more appropriate for Nurgle than 1 - Plaguebearers. I now how a full command for the unit...

Here be Plaguebearers

I keep finding more of these blighters! I mentioned last week that I have 19 unique sculpts for Plaguebearers so far, so I thought I'd try and work my way through them as quickly as I can to get a full unit ready. If I get that far and haven't got bored, then I have...

Nurgle day! More Oldhammer Plaguebears and Palanquin

It's Nurgle Tuesday and so I have painted some more unique Nurgle models. This time I'm back onto the Plaguebearers. The scheme is pretty simple, so I did another 3, bringing the total to 6 unique Plaguebearers. I have 19 different models so far, as follows: There's...