Oldhammer Pestigor

Continuing the challenge to paint something Nurgle every 7 days, I've done a tester piece for my Nurgle Beastmen - aka Pestigor. This is the first classic Beastman I've painted and it's certainly very different from the plastics. I wanted to combine rusty metals, with...

Nurgle challenge part 4, Oldhammer Plaguebearer

Continuing my Nurgle model every 7 days (or as many as I feel like painting, as 1 a week is too slow for me!), this week I present a... no... 3 Plaguebearers. I've also been faffing around with a new camera app on my phone in an attempt to improve photos. I took all...

Oldhammer Great Unclean One

As I continue to paint up a Nurgle model every 7 days, I present the next completed model. Here's a classic Great Unclean One, what we call Oldhammer now. This beasty is over 20 years old and yet has so much more charm than the modern sculpt(s). I'm going to be...

Nurgle, Blightkings, Dragon

I forgot to post up my second Nurgle model on Tuesday as part of my paint a unique Nurgle model every 7 days challenge, but I most certainly completed a second model. In fact, I've painted 5 now. These models were so fun to paint, I did the whole lot together, but...

Nurgle challenge – week 1 – Nurgle Blightking

Yesterday I previewed the first of my Nurgle models to be painted. I've challenged myself to paint up a unique Nurgle model every 7 days. Here is the finished model. I may revisit the base once I've experimented on some blanks, but for now I am happy with the badlands...