Gaming resolutions for 2015

It's taken me a couple of weeks to decide but I am ready to pose myself the challenge(s). At first I only decided on one challenge for this year - to play every game (board game, tabletop game) I own at least once this year. I have quite a lot of board games, so I...

Sculpting Oldhammer Daemons – Flamers

Some classic models are easy to acquire, others are rare or expensive. In an attempt to get back into sculpting and fill some gaps in my army, I've decided to try and create my own versions of Oldhammer models. I got some new styluses for Christmas, so here's the...

Assembling the Oldhammer Beastman horde

The horde grows. I have been very distracted by Minotaurs. The lovely folk over at the Oldhammer trading group (a sister group of the Oldhammer forum) are great for trading miniatures. I've been swapping unwanted treasures for all sorts of hairy goodness. As it...

Oldhammer Minotaurs

Trading has been fruitful. I've amassed quite the pile of Minotaurs and Beastmen now, so I am starting to work on assembling and painting the models! Deciding how to paint models that are almost as old as myself is quite intimidating, but I am eager to get to work....

Oldhammer Beastmen

I've finally decided on an army to label "Oldhammer" and it's one I've slowly collected classic models for over a long time. I've always liked Beastmen, but refrained from starting another army as Warhammer wasn't being played locally. Now it is and I have the...