by Ryan C | May 14, 2015
I have always been afflicted by what I call "Hobby ADD". Anyone who has read this blog for more than a few months will likely be completely unsurprised. Tonight, I am playing around with a list of armies I am currently working on, and some possibilities for the...
by Ryan C | May 12, 2015
No new model pics today. Sorry. I know you all are disappointed. Sis-in-Law got married this past weekend, and I had to be social and help out. I did get another box of Sicarians to add to my Ruststalker unit, but they are only about half built. So, because it amuses...
by Ryan C | May 8, 2015
Time for me to ramble a bit again... Lets see, what is shiny to me this week? A few more Cygnar Warjacks, and I still need to work on what I have. Imperial Knights are up, and they are pretty. Really tempted to get another one with the book this weekend, but I really...
by Ryan C | May 5, 2015
Finished off the Onager this past weekend. Pretty happy with how it ended up. I wanted to keep with the same colors as the Knight, but with less red, and a different layout. So, red "racing stripes" on the body, and that is it. So, what is next? Some Vanguard? The...
by Ryan C | May 1, 2015
News this week seems to be all about the new Knights (and the knee-jerk nerdrage over it being 14 months since the last book was released). Im looking forward to these, will be fun to see more on the table. There were also leaked pics of the new AdMech priests,...