Heretical Ramblings #5

Another week, another Ramble! Rumors are in flow, mostly about Eldar. The ones I care about, though, are the Age of Darkness bits. Nothing really new and exciting on that side though, so meh. Picked up the starter of my Skitarii army on Saturday, two boxes of small...


No painted pics this week, I got distracted.... This sucker, and thirty of his bestest friends are on the table, being assembled. Plus Ill be adding an Onager Dunecrawler this weekend. Yeah, yeah, I know. Building more than I am painting. Again. Planning on breaking...

Heretical Ramblings #4

Been a slack-tastic week on the hobby front. At least on the wargaming hobby front. I did manage to read the first 51 issues of Batman Eternal this week. ;) The Skitarii releases are winding down, only the Onager remains for this book's cycle, and I am finally...

Stryke 1

Finished up Commander Stryker this weekend. Looks alright, but there are some major mold lines I missed. Bleh. I am pretty happy with the bases I am making for my Cygnar models. Coffee stirrers and sand is all it takes.

Heretical Ramblings #3

Still rambling! Yay! Not much on the news side really caught my eye this week. Skitarii are pretty, but I am not entirely sure where I am going with 40k at the moment, so I am holding off. I do have to say that those skinny, larger based models (Rust...