by Ryan Herbranson | Jul 31, 2014
Crushing at Kandavar Campaign On the outskirts of the Eastern Fringe the Kandavar System was originally discovered by Rogue Trader Suleman Kandavar in 756.M32.With the exception of a feral Orc tribe little stood in the way of a quick assimilation of the Kandavar...
by Ryan Herbranson | Dec 8, 2013
So the new Escalation book is out and everyone is already in an uproar about how bad it is, and that it has changed 40k forever, and the game is broken, and they are not going to play anymore because the game is play to win, and just fuck GW!!!Isn't this just a little...
by Ryan Herbranson | Nov 25, 2013
When the new Space Marine Codex came out I wrote about what I thought of the new chapter tactics for the cold old Iron Hands. You can read what I had to say here. There are a lot of similarities between then and now, but more reinforced with this new supplement. Upon...
by Ryan Herbranson | Oct 27, 2013
So I have read the new Imperial Fists supplement and I have to say that this one is great! This has the most new information in the background section compared to any of the other supplements so far...The story starts off with Lysander and his rise to being Captain of...
by Ryan Herbranson | Sep 24, 2013
So I set off on the crazy path of building this diorama back in February when I got my hands on the Angron model. I had an idea from the Horus Heresy: Galaxy in Flames book of this scene where Saul Tarvitz is trying to find more loyalist to set up defenses and meets a...