Golden Demon Japan 2013

Golden Demon Japan 2013

I have just returned home from Tokyo after enjoying the Golden Demon in Japan.  As this has been my first Golden Demon event I was meet with many, many different emotions along the way.  As the day started out I awoke many times throughout the night and into...
Welcome to War – A gaming event by Wargamers in Japan

Welcome to War – A gaming event by Wargamers in Japan

Well yesterday marked the successful completion of the Wargamers in Japan first event "Welcome to War!".The event gathered over thirty gamers from all over Japan to join in for a fun filled day of death and destruction controlled by the greatest power in the world......
Deliverance Reborn – Talking about Raven Guard

Deliverance Reborn – Talking about Raven Guard

So it has taken me a little while to devise a way on how I would use the Raven Guard in the new codex. The Chapter Tactics do not come off as strong as the other Chapters, but can still be used to quite a good effect. Let look at these.Strike from the Shadows gives...
Sons of Vulkan

Sons of Vulkan

 The Salamanders was one of the most widely used SM force in 5th Ed . There is a good reason for this because what Vulkan He'Stan added to the force was awesome in that book for the time. Now He'Stan is still awesome but basically what he offered is...
White Scars vs. Ravenwing

White Scars vs. Ravenwing

I have been looking back at my Dark Angel codex now that the new craze is the White Scar bikers and really trying to decide what is a better biker force. I can honestly say that I'm not really sure as they are both should be used in differant ways....White ScarsThe...