Wargamers In Japan Event

Wargamers In Japan Event

  As some of you might know already I am part of the Wargamers In Japan gaming group and we have been making great strides in joining all of the groups around the country to increase our player base and to make the hobby prosper here in Japan. I am proud to...
Predator Infernus

Predator Infernus

Building a predator Infernus to use as a Baal Predator in my army.This tank has an unique build pattern where you must attach the roof before attaching the outer side panels.  There is some slight warping to those panels, so using a blow dryer to warp back...

New Mini’s spotted at GamesDay US

I just spotted this over at BOLS and thought it needs to be shared. More cool stuff from Forgeworld coming. I'm really interested to see what the new flyer is.Check it out on the BOLS thread
Horus Heresy Goodies.

Horus Heresy Goodies.

Forgeworld just put out four new units for pre-order today, but what I am excited about is the new Sons of Horus. These guys are cool looking! The modified mark IV armor, especially the helmets are awesome. I guess that I will have to get some of these.Check them out...
Heresy Abound!

Heresy Abound!

   Just got an awesome newletter from FFG that the Dark Heresy 2nd Ed. is in beta testing right now. Here is what it said: Dark Heresy Second Edition is an upcoming addition to FFG's line  of 40K roleplaying games, and it features more flexible...