Unboxing Kindom Death: Monster

Death never looked so good.In 2013, a small boutique horror miniature company known for exotic and extreme miniatures presented a modest Kickstarter.  It ended with more than two million dollars in funding.  It grew exponentially in volume, bleeding over into other...

I have a cunning plan….part 2

I sat down to work after a few days of rest, after all, I am on leave.  Then, it was time to work.  Which actually means the Wife ™  said I could vanish downstairs for a few hours.Don’t judge me. Here we have the base coated miniatures.  I use old wine and...


Keyes snapped on the intercom.  “Lieutenant Hall, what is our repair and refit status?”“Sir,”  she replied.  “Engines are operational, but only with the backup coolant system.  We can heat  them to fifty percent.  Archer and nuclear...

I have a cunning plan….or something closely resembling it.

After being gone for a while, I finally got a chance to take some leave, and get some time away.  I ended up going to GENCON.Wow.Nerd-vana.Geek-hallah.Other slightly nonsensical names.Meeting with Lo.  She’s awesome, by the way.But now, I’m back....