Classes Available!

I've been getting a lot of inquiries about classes lately. So I'm making it official with this flyer! Thanks to all the folks who have asked and spread the word :)

Finished! Wolf Lord Krom

It's been a while since I cranked out anything Wolf related, felt good to get back the good ol space Vikings. Enjoy!Gallery ViewAlso, another reminder to check out my facebook page, The Fantay Art of Sam Lenz. I've been posting my work in progress there as it's...

Finished! The Kings Man

This is only the second Kingdom Death model I've had a chance to paint, so far it's a two for two of awesomeness. I kept it simple on my color selection to save time, this was a mid level commission so my aim was to complete him in 5 hours, which I was able to do...

Miniatures Painting Weekly

Hey all! Just wanted to give a quick shout out to Miniatures Painting Weekly, an online magazine about all things hobby related. They were kind enough to feature some of my work in their first issue. Give them a click and see what it's all about!