Finished! Primaris Captain

A while back I posted about a weekend paint jam in which some friends and I got down on some primaris marines. Here's my final result all ready for fake battle. It was a lot of fun to work on, some folks don't dig space marines but to me they've always been cool space...

Finished! Dark Angels Deathwing Knights

A recent commission with a little bit of everything. First up, a variety of deathwing terminators.I'll roll out the rest over the next couple days. Goatta keep the viewers coming back so I can not make ad revenue!

Primaris Paintjam Primer!

Over the last weekend some painting buddies and I gathered our forces and got down to business on some of the new space marine breed. The figure of choice was the Captain in Gravis Armor. I made an extra base for my buddy Scott who came all the way from Minneapolis....

Finished! Foetid Bloat Drone

Rolling out another model form the recent Dark Imperium starter. This time the Foetid Bloat Drone, which I really enjoyed due to the negative space created by it's floating nature. Very cool! I have fantasies of having a 40K army again but until that time comes I'll...

WIP Wings of Death

Preppin and steppin through a squad of Deathwing Knights and their accompanying landraider :) A fun mix of tabletop with a request for some freehand goodness on the tank. Tanks usually bore me but the added spice of some mural work kept it interesting.Enjoy!More to...