Finished! Gigarobo Gang

These bots have been done for a while but I wanted to wait until after their reveal at Gencon to post them up. I haven't played this game but it involves a card mechanic which is always interesting in a tabletop, grid based game. They're off to a good start though and...

Finished! Lord of Contagion

Man I love the new Death Guard models. Every time I paint some Nurgle goodness I'm entertaining the idea of an army. This time around was no exception, coupled with the onset of a new edition I was thinking about it double. But who has the time? I do, but it comes at...

WIP: Lord of Contagion

Amidst the commissions sometimes I have to do a out of sync painting to keep the mojo flowing. Inspired by the Nurgle models painted during the class I held in Minneapolis and still having some figures left, I started slapping some paint around. This won't be a...

Minneapolis Masterclass

As the title suggests, I was in Minneapolis last weekend teaching a two day course on the fine art of miniature painting. This was the first of it's kind for me, I've taught shorter seminars at conventions and one on one coaching but never an intensive weekend course...

WIP Giga-Robo

I've been asked to paint up the starter box contents for Giga-Robo. Check out the site and see! I'll be painting up some 3-D renders for their display at Gencon this year, which unfortunately I won't be attending. But I'll be there in spirit as a few of my...