Finished! Deathwatch Overkill

A very cool assortment of models all in one box. In the end I spent about 50 hours on this project, and although it wasn't a total bore, I'm glad to see it completed. Now I can focus on more single miniature projects, taking the same amount of time spent on fifty...

WIP Cypher

The fallen badboy himself, Cypher. I like the archaic look of his armor and the gunslinger thing is also kinda rare in the 40K universe. So I wanted to capture some of that brooding anti-hero atmosphere and I also have a limited amount of time as its a mid level...

Finished! Horgle, the Anvil

This one was a lot of fun, the perfect set up for some widespread OSL. A great sculpt as well, some folks balk at some of Privater Press's sculpts but the troll range is pretty solid.

Finished! Trollbloods Support

A couple couples of Trollblood support units. Painted to tabletop quality, don't judge me.First, the Northkin ShamansSecond, a pair of Sorcerers.

WIP Deathwatch Overkill

This one is a little more time consuming but pack a good amount of variety which I enjoy. The following pictures were taken over the last couple weeks. Fifty minis to crack into at once.For the genestealer side I wanted to try something different and spent a...