Finished! Madrak Ironhide, Great Chieftan

Continuing to roll out some finished pieces from this last month. This time it's Madrkak, Great Chieftan. This was painted to a nicer tabletop standard. Nothing too crazy but also a little extra attention because he's the leader after all.Stay Tuned!

Tabletop Minons Expo 2017

Or TMX for short. Over this last weekend Adam and co of Tabletop Minions put on the first ever TMX. I was asked to teach some seminar style classes where people were free to walk up to the table as I explained a few chosen techniques.The response was incredible. I...

Finished! Blight Queen

The princess of pustulence herself, the Blight Queen. This project was a lot of fun, I love painting and always say that but lately I've been trying to add more edge and feeling to my models. Gallery ViewThanks for staying tuned, I've been so caught up in work lately...