Cygnar HQ, Part Deux

Next in line is Major Katherine Laddermore. Mounted and dismounted, ready to taze the shit out of the opposition.

Finished!Lord Commander Stryker

I was contacted a few months ago about taking part in painting an army that would be raffled off for charity at the upcoming Nova Open. After checking which charities were involved I said yes due to Doctors Without borders being one of the beneficiaries. Fast forward...

Finished!Lord Commander Stryker

I was contacted a few months ago about taking part in painting an army that would be raffled off for charity at the upcoming Nova Open. After checking which charities were involved I said yes due to Doctors Without borders being one of the beneficiaries. Fast forward...

Survivors of the Plague

Black Plague has been a way for me to game with my "normie" friends and with the new Kickstarter on the horizon, I'm getting my current collection painted. What better way to do that than pick up another pack of survivors? I was at Adepticon and couldn't pass up the...

Finished! Tariq Mansuri

The Michael Jordan of super jump killshots himself, Tariq Mansuri. Although I play Haqqislam myself, this was a commission aimed at higher, more heroic level and the client chose the color scheme. Which I'm happy for the challenge after it said and done. The main...