Finished! Dire Avengers

Just when I thought I was done with tabletop quality my local buddy asked I could paint up a quick squad of Dire Avengers so he can get his shadow wars on. I was happy to oblige and was able to paint them up alongside other projects in a couple afternoons.

Finished! Fyanna, Torment of Everblight

Ready for war!The next Evrblight figure will be along shortly, her base is taking a little more time to lay down the snow. Well, I ran out and had to order more crushed glass.

Release the Hordes! Part 2

All that's left now is Lylith's Chariot. Then I can move on to the Trollbloods portion :) It's been fun working with more value opposed to different colors to break everything up. Now I'm facing the most boring part of the commission, I'm not much of a machine painter...

Finished! All the Kings Men Part 2

The second installment to a growing empire army commission. To see the first half click here. As I've said before this is one of the last tabletop quality work I'll be taking for a while. So I've been enjoying it for what it is, which is all about the group as a...

Release the Hordes!

A horde of models for the game of Hordes! A couple warlocks for the Legion of Everblight and some casters as well as support models for the Trollbloods. These will be painted to either exhibition or heroic quality which is a nice release after the larger...