WIP All the Kings Men Part 2

Following Adepticon I've taken a serious inventory of commissions, which there are many of. Not the most ground breaking paintjobs but it can be fun to paint a group of tabletop models. At this point I'm closing the gate on tabletop commissions, I still have some to...

WIP Deathcrush

Still smoking after Adepticon I sat down and got to work on a little personal project. The goal of this piece is to focus on atmosphere and add a little more narrative thought. The model(s) come from the game Wild in the Streets, a sort of Warriors themed game...

Adepticon 2017

Another Adepticon in the books and it just keeps getting better every year. The Crystal Brush was top notch as well, so much inspiring work and it was clear to see the entirety of the entrants have been progressing at their craft. I was happy to be able to place among...

Finished! Custom Asawira

And just in time for Adepticon! One more addition to the Green Bastards (Parts Unknown).Next stop, Adepticon and the Crystal Brush. I plan on chilling to the max and painting with all the homies, see you there!

WIP Custom Asawira

Just a few days until Adepticon :) I have my Crystal Brush entries squared away and the only bit of painting left is a custom Asawira model for my Haqqislam force. The current versiont is pretty outdated and I don't see an new sculpt in the near future so I decided to...