Weekend Paint Jam!

This weekend Tom and I road tripped down to Jeff's place in Chicago to do what we do. Paint jam!We didn't have a particular focus for this one which was the theme in its own way. I had some projects that needed sculpting first and since I painted every Haqqislam model...

Finished! Butchers Guild

Straight from the slaughterhouse and into your local sports arena.This was a fun group of models to paint up. They are all to the same scheme but pack a lot of differences and roles on the field I suppose. Never played the game but I know you can have a mascot for...

Finished! All the Kings men, part 1

I mentioned before that there was a larger project going on behind the scenes. Nothing crazy, just some tabletop that I didn't feel like posting about multiple times ha. This commission comes from the land down under and what I have finished is about a quarter of the...

WIP Guildball Butchers, part 2!

Moving right along on the Butchers. At this stage I'm blocking in the areas so I can get a better look at the over all scheme. I should have tended to the skin first but I decided to save it for later. As the colors come together I might want a colder skin tone next...

WIP Guildball Butchers

Sports!I'm not too familiar with this game but I've heard good things. It also provides some pretty cool sculpts. One element of the game is centered around the use of a goal post which most people make custom themselves..Don't quote me on that. Here is the goal...