Finished! Beast of Nurgle!

Behold the beast! His name is..Hmm, bubbles? I'm still at the drawing board on that one but a beast of nurgle he is all the same. The word lolloping was used on the package to describe this monster and I like that. I also like teaching classes, in this case, Canada...

Finished! Castigators!

Lastly, a little fire support. These don't seem to be the best option in game but I'll give them a whirl. It's a brave new world in the Age of Sigmar, but maybe the only way to survive is with a magically charged explosive crossbow?Shop!

Finished! Sequitors!

Sequitors! Mace wielding, power crystal having, very serious devotees of Sigmar. My army is growing steadily, I'm trying to add a unit each month. Currently building some cavalry but for now, here's the beef. Two units of Sequitors and again, I can see the value...

Finished! Evocators

Evocators are ready! Now to do it again, as my army grows I realize the value of a second unit down the line. But so far my fledgling force has reached 1,000 points and I took the time to photograph them. Next post I'll have some Sequitors to share.Shop!

Finsihed! The Green Marine!

The green marine! I started this model at my beginners class in Canada. Which is why there happens to be a maple leaf on his shoulder. I wanted to push for bright vibrant colors on this model, opposed to my usual desaturated approach. All green, all fun....