Intruder Alert!

A couple more options for my growing Nomad force. I'll be attending an  Infinity get together layer this month so I'm making a push to get a few more models done. Enjoy!

Samson Goes to the Movies, Part 7!

Woooo the sequels just keep coming! Many thanks to the master of ceremonies, the Jango to my Boba,  The Cranium, Atom Smashing. This time around we do a little jazz magic on a lavaland base. Archaon make an appearance too!

Banana Boy Redux!

After looking back at the pictures from the first time around a few times they just started to look worse and worse. I changed the settings a bit and this time I think the colors came out more true to how they appear in person. CMONA second look never hurts.

For the Kriel! Chapter 3

Now with the 16 Kriel warriors behind me I can concentrate on the smaller pieces of the pie. I decided to take a break on the units and paint a single, Grissel Bloodsong.I'm going to get back to it and finish her off tonight. Stay tuned!

Finished! Orruk Brute

And now, the final shot and conclusion of the Jeff Jam. That is, until I can photograph his. This was a great experiment and it felt very comfortable to be painting an Ork again. They were my main army through the duration of 40K, which ended for me with one game of...