Rocks Are Never Gray!

That's a lie, but it's controversial statements like that which will get people's attention and this topic is extremely important. Hold on to you seat! I always have fun painting rocks, it seems simple saying that but stop judging me. Over the last few months...

Finished! Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead.

This project was very intense at times, which probably explains the speedpainting projects I've turned my attention to in Nagash's wake. But always the time is worth it to see the end result. I'm very proud of this one, it's the first time I aimed for more of a...

Finished! Magore’s Fiends, In Black

Painted a month ago alongside the traditionally colored scheme. Hard to say which version I like more. But I'll leave that up to the suits in Washington. Here be minis!

Finished! Da Headbangas

A personal project for my growing collection of shadespire warbands (2). Orks have always been my favorite and that will never change. I love barbarians but I love them with giant teeth and a variety of wild skintones even more.

The Well of Souls

Like an ever flowing stream it comes, when does it end? Where could I begin? Still they came, by the hundreds, by the thousands, the teens of thousands, en masse through obliteration. Always the question, how many more? If you're Nagash you're hoping for...