All Hail the Doomcast!

Here's my spin on the Stormcast from Shadespire. I call them the Doomcast Immortals, on this I was going for a badguy look but not necessarily Chaos, Undivided at best. Mainly I used spare Dark Eldar bits and drew inspiration from Celtic designs. I'll be rolling out...

Finished! Kingdom Death Dung Beetle Knight

I was convinced not to paint the ball like a steaming sh*t by my client. I can say I'm happy with the result but will always wonder what could have been. So until I cross paths with a dung ball again we will have this garden rock to appreciate. Also some sweet beetle...

Finished! The Toecutter

Painted during a one on one teaching session with my buddy Newton Potter aka the Painting Noob. After discussing his goals and chosen theme we decided on post-apocalyptic. Naturally we chose a model in football armor, with some slight modifications. It was a chance to...

California Ram Jam!

I'm very happy to announce I'll be teaching a class in combination with CK studios this September. Onwards and upwards we go! Get your ticket while they last :)