3D Printing Is Now Ready To Compete In 28mm

by SandWyrmI've been talking about 3D printing for a long time now, and like most everyone, I'd been wondering when we'd finally reach the point where a 28mm 3D printed mini would be indistinguishable from an injection-molded plastic or metal mini.Well... That time...

Want To Create Your Own 3D-Printed Minis?

by SandWyrmMerry Christmas!We've gotten an email from Michel Daab, who's working on a website called "Create Your Minis". Where you can design your own minis, have them 3D printed, and sent to you. Cool idea, but how good is the service?From Michel's Email:"We...
FFG Just Merged With A Very Big Fish

FFG Just Merged With A Very Big Fish

by SandWyrmFFG just announced a merger with Asmodee (Big French Board Game Company). Suddenly FFG has solid world-wide distribution, and Asmodee gets a successful US game publisher with solid US distribution channels. Sounds win-win to me.Oh, and Chapterhouse finally...
Some Tank Porn To Brighten Your Monday

Some Tank Porn To Brighten Your Monday

by SandWyrmOne of the military blogs I follow turned me on to this cache of ultra-cool tank wallpapers put out by the Russian arms firm "UralVagonZauod". The paintings are amazing, and would look at home in any near-future Sci-Fi game. Head over to the site and you...
3D Printing: Would You Play Against This Army?

3D Printing: Would You Play Against This Army?

by SandWyrmWhile agonizing over whether to buy in to the Kickstarter for this cool new 3D printer, I came across this pic of a 3D printed Space Marine force. You can see the printing 'layers' if you click on the pic and zoom in, but really... Does it look so bad?...