Star Wars: Armada – How It Plays

Star Wars: Armada – How It Plays

by SandWyrmHow does Star Wars: Armada play? I got to try a 3-turn demo game at Gencon, so I'll tell you what I can about it. But be aware that the game is still in beta, and we didn't do anything but scratch the surface of the rules. Even the turn structure isn't...
More Ships For Star Wars: Armada (and more)

More Ships For Star Wars: Armada (and more)

by SandWyrmFFG was cagey on Friday whenever anyone asked about expansion ships for Armada, saying then that only the base set was planned. But coming back to the display case today revealed that they DO have plans for additional ships that you can buy once the game...
Gencon: WizKids

Gencon: WizKids

by SandWyrmThe other game (besides Star Wars Armada) that I was hoping to see was D&D Attack Wing from Wizkids. Is it any good?Alas, no. It's literally X-Wing with (awful looking) dragons. Same movement templates and everything. I think you get to go up and down...
Gencon: Games Workshop

Gencon: Games Workshop

by SandWyrmSome line...Two years ago, GW had a booth that was nothing but blank cardboard boxes. With only the backs of their crew's t-shirts to tell you who they were. Last year, they did much better, with a nice booth, a large Apoc diorama, and a case of new...
Gencon: Palladium

Gencon: Palladium

by SandWyrmPalladium was all over the map. Average booth, nice models to show off, and the crappiest presentation of those models that I've ever seen.The Robotech plastics look really good!And then they paint those models like complete crap.So bad...I'm not even sure...