Gencon: Privateer Press

Gencon: Privateer Press

by SandWyrmThird up is Privateer Press. While they didn't have as large a vendor presence as FFG or Battlefront, the quality of their presentation was up to their usual high standard. They even had a new video game to show off. In the gaming halls they also had a good...
Gencon: Battlefront

Gencon: Battlefront

by SandWyrmNext up in terms of an impressive Gencon showing is Battlefront. Two years ago, the Battlefront booth was nothing but Flames of War products. Last year the Flames merchandise was limited to one shelf section and an order form. But today there wasn't a...
Gencon: Fantasy Flight Games

Gencon: Fantasy Flight Games

by SandWyrmHere's a pictorial rundown of what there was to see from Fantasy Flight at Gencon today.I got down to the convention center at 10:15 and... there was the mother of all lines for picking up badges. Crap! Should have gotten down there earlier!This is the...
Amazon Says: "Lower Your Prices To Make More!"

Amazon Says: "Lower Your Prices To Make More!"

by SandWyrmYeeeesssth my preeeshuuus... Looower da priiiices!You may or may not have heard, but Amazon is in full hissy-fit war mode with a book publisher called Hachette. The issue? Amazon wants a better deal than their current contract allows, and it thinks that...
GW Financials: The Rains Of Cash-Still-Here

GW Financials: The Rains Of Cash-Still-Here

by SandWyrmTom Kirby's wobbly-worded pre-ramble may have set us up to expect the worst from Games Workshop's full-year financial report, but what we actually see today is a slight improvement on the half-year numbers from January. Still bad, to be sure, especially...