GW Financials: Pre-Game Show

GW Financials: Pre-Game Show

by SandWyrmGW posted a link to their full-year financials today on the investor relations site... Without the link to the report itself. But, I went ahead and checked the public FTP directory where the report would be, and while it isn't there either, there is a...
Sea Waaagh!!! – Part 2

Sea Waaagh!!! – Part 2

by SandWyrmHere's some more video of the UHAC that shows it swimming out to sea. Michael Bay did the filming though, so take your dramamine. ;)
For Korona: Short Take-Off Super Hornet

For Korona: Short Take-Off Super Hornet

by SandWyrmSince Korona couldn't find a link... here's a 2006 video of a Super Hornet making a very short-distance takeoff.Now imagine this on the Prince of Wales with the ship turned into the wind and a ski-jump assist. A catapult would still allow more ordinance to...

Cool New Helicopter Concept

by SandWyrm .Here's a much less silly video on a future aircraft concept. The all-but-admitted failure of the Marine Corps' V-22 Osprey is opening up an opportunity for new innovations on the Army side of things. This one is a leading contender. It has a lower top...