Future (Silly) Aircraft Technology Concepts

by SandWyrmIf you thought the video I posted on the Russian mini-tank drone was a silly fantasy, you ain't seen nothing yet. BAE takes the cake with this one. The laser idea is the only one with legs at all, but that would require FAR more electrical power than a...
There’s A New Tank MMO In Town

There’s A New Tank MMO In Town

by SandWyrmIt's called 'Armored Warfare', and it concentrates on modern armor. Including MBTs, IFVs, etc. Looks as though it plays like World of Tanks, which is a good thing. :)You can check it out (and sign up for the open beta) at: http://aw.my.com/Looking forward...

Interesting Take On The Future Of Drone-Armor

by SandWyrmThis video is likely some marketing propaganda for a Russian defense firm in search of government funding. But I do find it to be an interesting take on how ground drones may evolve in the near future. At least for urban warfare. Outside of cities, nothing...

This Is How You Deep-Strike A Tank!

by SandWyrmHere's a neat video of some Russian paratroopers practicing their "deep-striking" skills. Check out how the tanks have a rocket-assisted landing rig built into the parachute system. Pretty cool, even if they aren't the size of Land Raiders. :)The amount of...
Three Vehicles That Would Look Cool In 40K

Three Vehicles That Would Look Cool In 40K

by SandWyrmMy browsing this last week turned up 3 vehicles that would look pretty cool in 40K. Have a look.U.S. Marine Corps AAC (Assault Amphibious Vehicle)As a recovering Guard player, this thing just screams 'Ogryn Transport' to me.Indian Army 155mm Field Howitzer...