New Quick Reference Guide

It's been a month of craziness, what with Cub Scout camps, a family wedding, and my 3rd Sinus surgery just this past week. But I did get to meet (thanks to Farmpunk) a cool guy named Stephen McCormick who's just moved to Indy, and who's already started a miniature...

CBS & Paramount Finally Release Their Fan-Film Guidelines

by SandWyrmI have no idea where the Axanar settlement talks are going right now, but CBS and Paramount have collectively released a new set of fan-film guidelines. Many of them are reasonable, some are a bit irksome, and a few are downright awful.So I'll just go ahead...

Rock On Hydra! Rock On!

by SandWyrmNow I have a 3D Printer.... Ho, Ho, Ho...This is the new filament printer that I'll be using to print up terrain models that I either make myself, or buy from  (the company that's running the Apocalypse Ruins KickStarter).I bought...

3D Printing Is About To Hit Mainstream Gaming

by SandWyrmSeveral weeks ago, I got into a conversation with Hight, the owner of Sinclair Games (our FLGS), about 3D printing. Which included showing him my previous post on the female ganger minis that I'd bought from Shapeways. He was pretty impressed and wanted to...