by SandWyrm | Mar 25, 2015
by SandWyrmAs the inevitable conflicts rage over what the 'true' way of 40K is these days, I would remind TOs of this simple truth. The problem isn't the players who aren't having fun. The problem is the game itself, and how the leaders of the 40K community are...
by SandWyrm | Mar 20, 2015
by SandWyrmWith the rollout of the closed beta (and the lifting of the NDA), I finally got my invite to help test the beta for World of Warships. Farmpunk's been on there a bit longer, as he remembered to log in for the first alpha weekend. Anyway, the game is more...
by SandWyrm | Mar 19, 2015
by SandWyrmThis is a time-lapse video (7x normal speed), but you're still talking about 6 minutes for a mini the size of a 40K figure, with extra-crisp and smooth detail.Now imagine a production line version of this thing where instead of one dip-head, you have 20 or...
by SandWyrm | Mar 10, 2015
by SandWyrmOver the last year, I've noticed a lot more deals being offered to players to keep interest up, but this one just plain smacks of desperation. 50,000 credits a day just for logging in? Uh Oh...I don't think that I've logged in more than half a dozen times...
by SandWyrm | Feb 13, 2015
by SandWyrmThis made me smile today. :)