by Savvy_Wombat | Jun 13, 2022
Yesterday my good friend introduced me to a skirmish game called Dead Man's Hand. I found it to be a fast paced and engaging game. It has a very thematic Wild West setting, that pits rival gangs against each other in situations reminiscent of your favorite...
by Savvy_Wombat | May 27, 2022
It has been along time but I have finally got another game in that was worth writing about, and not because I won. But, because it was a fun game with some useful observations that I wish to write down, and I got some pictures.My friend and I decided to play a 1500...
by Savvy_Wombat | Mar 18, 2022
So what do you do when an odd number of people show up to game night? You play three player Kill Team, that’s what! Thanks to the alternating action system of the new kill team it actually works quite well. The only strange situation that came up was...
by Savvy_Wombat | Mar 17, 2022
So this post is going to be a bit different, my hope is to introduce the limited readership to a really fun game my friend has recently shown me. The game is Full Thrust and it is a space fleet tactical war-game. It is approximately the same scale as...
by Savvy_Wombat | Mar 1, 2022
Set Up, Escalation was the scenario selected for this week’s game. This scenario has 6 objectives that start to disappear at the beginning of turning point two and also increase in value from 1VP to 2VP on turning point 3. Chaos won the roll and...