Kill Team Game 6: Space Wolves vs Orks

Turns out I am still learning… Set Up, Domination. So I got my wish and rolled a different scenario this time. Also this would be my opponent’s first game of Kill Team so I thought I would take it easy on them.  We rolled domination which has the players...

Kill Team Game 5 Tyranids vs Orks

 I think we are starting to get the hang of this game! Set Up, Duel of Wits.  Isn’t it funny when you roll for the scenario and get the one you played last time?  On the bright side at least we had a good idea of how it worked.  After we placed...

Kill Team Thoughts on Factions

 What makes a good Kill Team? At a very basic level a good kill team can generate Victory Points (VPs) faster than its opponents, over the four turning points of the game. Typically VPs are gained through taking actions, and taking actions is directly related to...

Kill Team Game 4 Sisters of Battle vs Orks

 Since this was my friend’s first game of the new Kill Zone we played the control the Kill Zone scenario.  He used his sisters of battle and I brought a kill team of compendium orks. I have begun to think more about gaining objectives and counting points...

Kill Team Game 3 Chaos and Tyranids

 On a bit of a role with Kill Team and I am enjoying it quite a bit.  This was our third game of kill team and as such we are still learning the game, although we think we only got one rule wrong (the first cultist activated as a group of one not two). ...