Kill Team Game 2 – Tyranids and Smurfs

This was my second game of kill team I changed my kill team to the Ultramarines and my friend stayed with the Tyranid list form the last report.  The Marines were nothing special (with the current rules they can’t be special). For tech I took an Auspex, Auxiliary...

Kill Team Initial Impressions

 The other day I played my first game of Kill Team (KT), 2ndEd.  I have played the 1st Ed which is very similar to 40k. The only similarity between 40k and 2ndEd is the names of forces and the models, otherwise it is very different.  My first...

The Emperor’s Finger – Warhammer 40K Battle Report

This battle report is of a very casual game of 40k, many of us hadn’t played in a while and we really just wanted to put some models on the table and roll some dice. The objective of the battle was to hold the center of the table.  The imperium forces were trying...

Adeptus Titanicus – God Engines Awake – Bat Rep 1

This was my first real game of Adeptus Titanicus, my friend Chris and I each made 1500 point Battle Groups.  We simplified force building, no legions or maniples although mine are painted as the War Griffons, and it would have fit into a core maniple.  This...