The Hobbit; Terrain Painted Pictures

I did say I'd get some pictures up, so here they are. Due to me getting into trouble more often than not with Rictus I've made an effort to put up plenty pictures.The Terrain all together.Base for the Goblin Scribe's little sex swing thing.The Goblin Scribe. I do like...

Leman Russ Painted Pics

Evening all, apologies for my absence. It was my birthday last week then I was away in York over the weekend.SteveEDIT - quick bonus pic. York Minster from the top of the new ferris wheel (taken through a glass window) - quite proud I went up, as someone afraid of...

DKoK – Converted DKoK Leman Russ

Evening all,Well, Tinners, a fellow blogger - Tinners' Warseer Blog - sent me one of his converted Chimera-Russes last week, which was awfully kind of him.Here's how it arrived;As you can see, an excellent conversion and an equally good paintjob. However,...

I am a complete nob.

Well, I happen to love the new Hobbit movie and have seen it about 4 times. However, yesterday, as my partner was off work we took the new dog to the vets then stopped in the pub on the way home, unfortunately for me, alcohol and a swollen bank account are a bad mix....