Gator men VS Cryx 35

Well heres our first warmachine batrep.I decided to try out a cryx list that id been thinking of.caster killMy list:eskarre+62x rippersreaperskarlockmin banesuasatyxis raider captain10 satyxis raidersuawarwitch sirenHis: Bloody Barnabas6Bull Snapper3 Blackhide...

1850 DE vs chaos

Yeah I lost, finally.His list:2 Slaan DP, 2 7 man PM squads, dual Plasma, Fist, 8 KB w/ fist, 10 csm, dual melta, champ w/ pw, IoCG, 6 Oblits, 3 Termies, 2 combi meltasspear headcapture and controlHead hunterAnd have more troops alive at end of gameI win firstDrugs...

1850 DEvsNIds Batrep (video)!

Well heres our first video battle report! Hope you enjoy! CC welcome.(this was a league game, my 3rd full BP win in a row putting me ahead of everyone by a massive amount XD)My thoughts on the game:Well, I had to be semi aggressive whilst keeping his close range...

Unit of the week #3 Dark Eldar Trueborn

omfg! haha watching some show and this sasquatch commercial comes on and it shows some guy in like night vision and you hear AWHOOO or some weird sasquatchy noise, and hes just like "LOVELY"...Sorry thought I had to add that in,*disclaimer* Im doing this from a...