Gundam 00 Raiser – A change (and shortage) of space

This is my workspace, or my workspace of a few months ago. I've made a few changes since then, including a new paint rack from who I can heartily recommend.Same room, different angle. Here you can see how deftly I can switch from relaxing...

Dark Angels – A Slightly Sulky Conclusion

And so the painting of my Dark Angels Devastators (plus a couple of Sternguard) has drawn to a somewhat slightly unhappy close. I've upgraded from the position of very unhappy yesterday because, after having 24hrs to distance myself from the figures I'm slightly less...

Dark Angels – WiP- Seeing Red…..

With the main body of the miniature early on (thanks to the airbrush) I've been taking my time on the details. One of things I'm particularly keen to get right the red on the weapons. Now I've done red on weapons the more traditional way on figures in the past, as you...

Dark Angels – WiP – If I never see snot green again…..

No, I've not been working heavily with snot green on my Dark Angels over the past week. Instead my body has been working full time on producing its own snot green analogue in addition to generally making me feel quite miserable. While this has given me a lot of time...

Dark Angels – Work in Progress

So my Dark Angels devastators are coming along...........................slowly. What the airbrush giveth, the hand painting taketh away. Getting all the details onto eight figures takes time, even just the basic blocking out of colour, before you start shading and...