BAO List Variants: sDm Kabal "Combo"

  Trying really hard to get some of that awesome indirect barrage onto the table and paying big points, poison, and lance power for it. Warp Hunters fire a 36" Large Blast D-Cannon that is Barrage, Ap2, wounds on 2+, Instant Death always on a 6, and haywire vs...

BAO List Variants: sDm Kabal "Not Nekkid"

This is the first major variant template. Basically swapping out the Haemonculus with webway, Hellions, and Blasterborn for Farseer, Jetbikes, and Voidravens. If nothing else the list illustrates the options available when we start playing around with points and unit...

2013 Bay Area Open GT: sDm Kabal "Nekkid" 1750pt List

We are breaking through the initial phases of Bay Area Open playtesting here in Wolfbrother territory going into the New Year. We cant wait for the Big Tournament and have many Generals old and new that are eager to be involved in the Warhammer 40k MURDER in March....