That’s so good, it makes me wanna slap my mamma!

They say they have to Act Fast to prevent players from getting used to playing a "certain way" that could undermine their organized events.  Wow - the kind of stuff you will start to say when you are in charge.  I submit that the very speed and vastness of their rule...

Goin’ around your ass to get to your elbow…

Finally the New 7th Edition Rulebook has arrived and we can look forward to the newest incarnation of the wild wild west. Rules changes, Rule "fixes", the New Psychic Phase, Allies in all Directions, SUPER HEAVY WALKERS, D Weapons, Reserve Shennanigans, and many other...

That Makes About As Much Sense As Tits on a Riptide

"...have we deteriorated to the level of dumb-beasts?" The myth-origin story of the naysayers and their tasty Expert Hats is coming to a cataclysmic end. All of their doom-saying about the unintentionally written word of GW returns full circle to spew game-designer...