The White Tau Of Dover

Farsight sure took his time getting to the party, and while he made his journey, this is some of what we done: Almost ready for MURDER on the Tabletop!

My Other Army Is …. MURDER!!!

HOWL!!! We are gearing up for the 2250 Contest of Champions at Great Escape Games in Sacramento, CA. As we get ready for this hardcore event we are keeping in mind the upcoming MURDERMAKE at the Twin Linked Grand Tournament in December! As always we cant wait for the...

White Tau Can Jump

The MURDER Factory is firing off in all directions at an uncontrollable pace! Try to keep up! Today we bring you the startings of "The White Tau." sDm's project for the summer was General Sam's White Tau - A huge Farsight Enclave collection started just before the Tau...

Well, if that don’t put pepper in the gumbo!

Saturday July 20th we made our way down the Mountain into The Big Tomato pumped for MURDER on the Tabletop as we expected nothing but brutal, cutthroat competition at Great Escape Games for the latest episode of their yearly Contest Of Champions 40k Tournament.   Oh...

…And if my aunt had balls she’d be my uncle.

In the last month General Oadius has (for some reason) started to pull his own weight, adding two wings to the MURDER factory all by himself. At first it looked like he was just locked up like normal playing Space Marine as his habit of not showering and not shaving...