BAO GT 2013: Meaner than a sack full of Hellturkeys

Last month the Wolfbrothers descended quietly in great numbers from various directions to the Bay Area Open GT 2013 in Antioch California. The Hunt was plentiful and the competition brutal and amazing. At the end of the Big Fight, Liz Foster of the Sac City Punishers...

269th Final Pre-Deployment Inspection

The 269th gathered today for inspection before heading out to the MurderFields of 40k here in the heart of Wolfbrother Territory and next weekend at the 2013 Bay Area Open GT!!! The Main Elements of the 269th Death Korps of Krieg Co Cmd Sq and a few Veterans of the...

All your base belong to Krieg….

The 269th is gearing up for full mobilization, and they are working it out with awesome Style! This weekend General Casey cobbled together a small muster to get the blood flowing and stretch his Warhammer 40k legs and competed in the 1000pt Hall Of Heroes Tournament...

88th Army 269th Regiment: Death Korps of Krieg

We are living out the Wild Wild West days of Sixth Edition Warhammer 40k. The naysayers and proponents of 40k 5.5 have all but faded into oblivion as new Army Books smash into us and the 2013 Tournament season gets fired up - the MURDER on the tabletops couldn't be...

444th: Move Out!

The 444th has moved on out of the Murder Factory and on to Transfers, Freehand, and VICTORY on the tabletop with General Oadius. The last weeks have been spent completing final details. Final highlights on the Vet squads and initial basing texture and grass and the...