Battle Company – Defeat Druzhag!

With their main leaders resting after the previous battle, The Falcon's Honour (minus the Falcon) hear word that an evil goblin who can control beasts is terrorizing the locals and seems to be consolidating a base in some ruins nearby. Eager to prove their worth, the...

Dragon WIP

Just thought I'd better pop on and fill in on what's been going on!We went away for a week, so not much happened there, and my current project is to put together a model we can use for a Cave Drake or a Dragon...I really wanted the actual Cave Drake model, but I...

Battle Company Battle Report – Hold the Line 2

Well, after playing Hold the Line with the Harad trying to cross the board, this time we swapped and it was the dwarves turn to try and get across.The dwarves split into three squads to force the Haradrim to split their forces!Brynmor led the shielded dwarves up one...

Battle Companies Battle Report – Hold the Line

This week we were back to The Falcon’s Honour, who were trying to break through a narrow mountain pass held by Etako’s Expeditionaries. We each had one normal troop sitting out so had the same points.The objective is for the attacker to get a third...