Another Space Wolf Grey Hunter

Another Space Wolf Grey Hunter

To get through all my figures I thought I'd better do some of the more standard troops in between the more fun ones. Having said that, it's not like any of the Space Wolves are plain or boring, there are plenty of bits and bobs on them to paint. I haven't painted any...
Vjork Verminslayer

Vjork Verminslayer

Vjork Verminslayer is a Space Wolf Long Fang Missile Launcher armed troop.I had so much fun putting him together that I've been looking greatly forward to painting him up!Here's the front view, you can see the indentation in the missile launcher where it's smacked...
Space Wolf Wolf Guard with Assault Cannon and Frost Sword

Space Wolf Wolf Guard with Assault Cannon and Frost Sword

Well, over three days of child naps and then some I decided to go back on my original plan of painting complete squads and just paint whatever I felt like. What I felt like was one of my favourite minis I put together. Here is my Space Wolf Wolf Guard in...
Ruins on full realm of battle board with 40k and Mumak

Ruins on full realm of battle board with 40k and Mumak

As promised, here are some shots on the full board with Mumak and some 40k Space Wolves for scale. Unfortunately it was getting dark outside and our light bulbs, though they've saved us lots of money, are too dim for good photos!Here are my currently painted Space...

It’s still not Weathertop, but it is finally painted!

Well, sorry for the extended delay, life has been full to the brim of trips, uni, a small child, illness and Borderlands with friends.On the plus side, I've finally finished my scenery =)I'll take some shots of it on the full board with more minis at a later date, but...