It’s still not Weathertop, but it is finally painted!

It’s still not Weathertop, but it is finally painted!

Well, sorry for the extended delay, life has been full to the brim of trips, uni, a small child, illness and Borderlands with friends.On the plus side, I've finally finished my scenery =)I'll take some shots of it on the full board with more minis at a later date, but...

It’s not Weathertop

About to head overseas for a week, so although I was hoping to finish it off this week it'll probably not be for another week or two (or three - as I have another major assignment to do when I get back).Instead you'll have to interpret how it might look when...

Hirst Arts Scenery – Ruined Fieldstone Tower

Well, I finally finished! For my birthday, mid March, my wonderful wife bought me some bags of bricks. Unfortunately I was too dumb to take photos of all the prep work as I was just having way too much fun putting it together!These things are so awesome and I've...

As addictive as lego building…

Just in case you're all wondering what's happened, here's a clue: from the Hirst Arts website and much nicer than mine!Arriving a week or so after my birthday were bags of blocks from my wonderful wife! Since then I've...


Here's my second Mark of the Wulfen guy...As with the other I've chosen to have him dual wielding guns as in close combat he goes berserk and I couldn't really model that. I figure he runs forward shooting then launches into a raging melee.From front on...From the...